Friday, April 7, 2023

The Lord is my Shepherd: Motto

 As I am finishing the first chapter of this book, two examples have stood out as highlights. I want to focus on the topic of university education and the problem of human reasoning that discards divine revelation. This is a problem in today's educational system, and that is what the West is currently struggling with. We have narrowed down the gospel and missed our obligation to disciple the nations by spreading the knowledge of God as widely as possible (Isaiah 11:1-9).

We often aspire to attend prestigious universities like Harvard, but we sometimes forget the legacy of God's word that those universities were built upon. Take Harvard's motto, "Veritas Christos et cclesiae" for example, which translates to "Truth for Christ and the Church." The term "Church" is often understood on a religious level, forgetting the fact it refers to a community that walks in the light of Christ and reflects Him in the community and society they live in - this is what "Veritas" means. Unfortunately, over time we have lost sight of the truth that the Bible teaches and have instead preached a Christianity that is mostly layered with religious stigmas. Very sad though!

It would also be interesting to read about the history behind the term "Prime Minister." Did you know that the University of Bologna, run by monks, taught Law because the church had already established Europe's best, most trusted justice system? We need the Lord's wisdom to comprehend the truth -"Veritas." It is also surprising to learn about the tragic confrontation that occurred at Oxford University on October 16, 1555. Several priests and Bishop Stephen Gardiner gathered around the street to watch as reformers Bishop Latimer and Bishop Ridley burnt at the stake simply because they stood up for the truth - "Veritas." Following their deaths, Oxford University underwent a transformation, rejecting intellectual darkness and embracing Psalm 27:1, "Dominus illuminatio mea" ("The Lord is my light") as its motto. Yes, as Psalm 119:130 tells us, the unfolding of God's words gives light and understanding to the simple.


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